July 23

Things That Make Me Relaxed

In my post today I am going to talk about things that make me relax and help me when I get stressed, for starters when I get stressed I like to go outside and play basketball because I enjoy it very much, it takes my mind of things and I have been playing for a few years now. Another way I like to relax and relive stress is to either talk to friends or family, it help relive stress and relax me because I know I can trust them. But the way I like to relax the most is to play video games with my mates such as Fortnight and more, and the way this helps me is because it is distracting and very fun.

This is going to be the end of todays post hope y’all enjoyed you guys have learned a little more about me and I will see you next time.

July 18

My Holiday (Again)

Hello everyone I  have not posted in a while but here I am and as you know I will be telling you about my holidays. On the holidays I had a sleepover with my friend Felix and for the most part we went out side and played with his neighbour, after that we went to the park with one of Felix’s friends and mucked around. Then we had dinner and for dinner we had burgers with lettuce, cheese, tomato’s and a beef patty. The next morning we went to a basketball court with Felix’s friend then we had lunch and I went home.

This is the end of my blog and I hope you liked it and I will see you all next time.

May 29

Indonesian Conversation

In this blog I will show you a part of  Indonesian in my class which is teaching us what Indonesian words we can use in a store so here is my Indonesian podcast with one of my friends from my classroom about a shopkeeper and a customer trying to buy a banana.

I hope you all liked it, as you can see we are still learning but we are getting better this is all I have for today I will see you next time.

May 22

An Update on my Class

Lately in my class we have been doing a lot of stuff such as group slide show presentations, something called a ten second drama and much more. The year fives in my class did there group presentations on child convicts but the year six’s did it on World War 2, the ten second dramas are a way to practise putting in a lot of description in you narratives. Also my class have gotten a couple new students. In maths we have been doing Fractions to Decibels and Decibels to Fractions, fractions to decibels is were you convert a fraction to a decibel an example is 5 10ths = 0.5 and decibels to fractions is were you convert a decibel to a fraction an example is 0.6= 6 10ths. I know this does not seem like a lot but we have done much more than this but I am done and I will see you next time

May 7

Basketball Time

Sweat dripping from Grady’s head as he was rushing down the court with the basketball. Thirty seconds left in the second quarter, Grady passes the ball to his teammate. Time is flying bye and we are already in the last quarter and we are tie score in points and we have the ball, forty seconds left and we have the ball, who will win…

April 30


Hello everyone in this blog I will be showing you a personification like thing.


If spring were a person she would have bright green hair.

Spring would wear a green dress with yellow flowers, a white straw hat and some yellow sandals.

Spring would smell like a variety of different flowers and a cool breeze.

Spring would spend her day eating biscuits and drinking soft drinks while sitting in a plain of flowers.

Spring would spend her night laying in some flowers and watching the stars.

This is the end of my personification poem cya next time bye.

April 24

Sleepover Time

Last weekend I went on a sleep over with one of my first friends me and my friend are obsessed with basketball!!! While I had my sleepover we played basketball, video games, soccer and much more. The night I slept over we went out for dinner at Grilled both me and my friend had a delicious beef burger. The next day we went outside and played more basketball then I went home.

this is the end of the blog cya next time I’m out.

April 24

Story Starters

These are some of my story starters that I did in my class.

Alone: As he walked along the cold street with no friends he felt so alone.

Boat: All the boats on the water were zooming away from the massive shark.

Cloak: There was a very mysterious cloaked man wondering down the street.

Toe: As I was running a marathon someone tripped me at the same time as I stubbed my toe.

These are all my story starters see you next time Cya.

April 16

My Holidays

On the holidays I went to Adventure World for the day with my friends. First, when we got there we went on the mats ride; the mats ride is a ride where you grab a mat walk up a bunch of stairs and when you got to the ride there are two slides. To go down one you have to wait until a stop light type thing to turn green. Afterwards me and my friends went in the pool for about an hour play tag and a lot of other fun games. Then we got some lunch, my lunch was sort of plain I had a ham and cheese sandwich and some water. Then my friends and I went for on the Tidal Wave and raced each other. The last ride we went on the Rocky Rapids, it’s as you can imagine very rocky and you get stuck a lot but it’s very fun. At the end of the day I got a delicious cookies and cream ice cream. This is the end of today’s blog see you next time.